North Queensland

Da mich schon viele Bekanntschaften unterwegs gebeten haben den Blog auf Englisch zu schreiben, werde ich dies nun versuchen.

My first 10 days in down under were amazing. First I settled down a bit in a Motel in Cairns (5 days), got my camper and met a lot of friendly people while having some beers and dinners. After that lovely week I started my camping experience with a drive from Cairns to Mission Beach (only about 140km or 2h drive). In Mission Beach I stayed for 2 nights at a perfect little camping ground with free “barbie” (BBQ)! On the second day I went out with a Water Taxi to the Dunk Island. It is a stunning little island with some small tracking paths and a lot of sunshine! Beautiful!
My next drive was from Mission Beach to Townsville (240km, 3h). Townsville is the biggest city in North Queensland and has a population of about 180’000 people. I was only 1 night in Townsville because my camping ground was about 4km away from the CBD (Central Business District) and the weather was hot and humid without any wind. It was about 35°C in my camper during the night and I just can’t sleep. Therefore I was a little pissed-off in the morning and made the decision to drive to my next stop Airlie Beach (280km, 3.15h).
In Airlie Beach firstly I checked-in to a motel, got a shower and took a nap. After that I went out to eat something on the Esplanade (beach front). Airlie Beach is so an amazing place, that I made the decision to stay here for a couple of days. The flight over the Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef was beautiful, breathtaking and also funny. And tomorrow I will go to the Great Barrier Reef for some scuba dives! My next stop will be somewhere between Mackay and Rockhampton… we will see.

Below you will find some pictures of the different locations.


Mission Beach

Dunk Island


Airlie Beach

Flight over Whitsunday Islands and Great Barrier Reef



  1. ..hej hallo Pascal, alles klar bi dir?
    Du hesch scho allerlei erläbt uf diner Reis und
    es esch total interessant dech zbegleite! Du hesch
    eso fantastischi Föteli, traumhaft Komplimänt!
    Wönsche dir witerhin ganz viel Glück und viel schöni
    Erläbnis. So cool du machsch das guet! Liebi Grüessli usem Ticino

    • Hoi Gotti!!
      Merci vell mol für de Kommentar!
      Hoffe euch gohts allne guet!
      Jo, i gnüsses! Isch scho mega schön wenn mr eifach echli cha sii wos eim grad so gfallt. Aber es isch halt scho ned wie Ferie, ganz es anders gfühl. Mer mues au jede Tag ufs neui luege wo mr cha ässe, schlofe etc. Aber das machts ebe grad us. Wünsche euch no en schöni ziit! Lg

  2. Stefan us Muhe

    Hey Pascal
    Danke veu mol für d’Geburichart! Ha mega freud gha.
    Hoffe hesch der veu zyit gno zum im gröschte Riff vo de Wäut go Schnorchle und Tauche! Be gspannt uf d’Unterwasserfötteli…
    Liebe Gruess und bis bald

    Ps: hoffe dasd ned id Waldbränd grotisch!!! Take care!

  3. Weniger Peter

    Lieber Pascal wir wünschen dir von Herzen “MERRY CHRISTMAS” und für das kommende Jahr 2016 gute Gesundheit, Glück, Freude, gute Schutzengel und viel interessante, schöne Erlebnisse auf deiner Reise.
    Dein Götti Peter & Eva.

    PS: Sorry, dass ich nicht im Dialekt schreibe, aber Zürichdeutsch hättest du eh nicht verstanden, so wie ich das “Muh(en)”-Deutsch nicht verstehe !

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